The Education program serves students in preschool (ages 3-6), formal education (ages 6 to 18), and Diploma course education (ages 18 and above, who are not in school).

With the launch of Mount Zion Matric Hr. Sec. School in 2003, Nishelle Education has been working toward the goal of empowering poor children by offering help in the areas of education. The Education program serves students in preschool (ages 3-6), formal education (ages 6 to 18), and Diploma course education (ages 18 and above, who are not in school). The focus is on children, instructors, the learning environment, and community involvement in a four-pronged holistic approach. The target population includes children from disadvantaged backgrounds who live in challenging circumstances, children of the poorest of the poor parents, and children with special needs.
As a logical extension of the Mission Education program, Mount Zion Matric Hr. Sec. School under the name Linor IT and Vocational training centre as implemented educational scholarships and vocational training programs to develop over time to ease the program from education to employment and provide underprivileged children with equal opportunities to pursue post-secondary education, professional training, and technical careers.